What We Believe

We believe in one triune God,
            Who created all things good;
            Who longs for a personal relationship with each human being;
            Who values the least, last, outcast, and forsaken;
            Who hurts when we turn away from others;
            Who laments our sin;
            Who calls us back to Him when we have turned away;
            Who greets us like a father sprinting toward a wayward son.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God,
            Who is our truest expression of God’s love;
            Who is the clearest picture of a life that pleases God;
            Who had compassion on the weak and the lost;
            Who challenged and called all to a faithful way of life;
            Who bridges the gap that our sin creates between us and God.

We believe in the Holy Spirit,
            Who calls us into Christ’s body;
            Who prompts and leads us into right and holy paths;
            Who uplifts us that we might show forth hope to a troubled world.

We believe in one holy Church;
            Where people are joined with Christ’s “called out ones” in this world;
            Where we find the good news of Christ proclaimed;
            Where we are fed on the holy Word of God;
            Where our lives find hope, promise, and purpose;
            Where we unite in Christ’s name in serving God’s creation.