It's Almost Advent, So What's the Plan at May Memorial?

I wait all year to sing Joy to the World, The First Noel, and Silent Night.  And, when I sing Silent Night I want to be holding a burning candle in a dimly-lit sanctuary.  I look forward to singing these carols, and I look forward to hearing the choir sing the annual Christmas Cantata.  I look forward to taking a seat in a pew, breathing in a deep breath (a sight of relief), and hearing the Christmas story in song by our wonderful musicians.  I look forward to it every year.

So, what is the plan for this year?

Stuart, our gifted and skilled Director of Music, has dealt with a couple of tough health issues this year.  First she was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of this calendar year, and then, over the past weeks she has struggled with a heart procedure that was quickly followed by pneumonia.  We have spoken Stuart’s name to God many times in prayer this year, because we love her, and we want God to heal her and make her well.  Stuart is on the mend, but we do not bounce back from these illnesses quickly.  Stuart is looking forward to being back at the organ console and the conductor’s stand, but it will likely be a month or so before she is able to do that.

So, what is the plan?

First, we are blessed to have Sandra Parker as our pianist and accompanist.  Sandra has stepped in and has taken on much of the music in worship, and we are blessed to have Sandra lead us in worship from the piano.

Second, Mary Ellen Balarzs has agreed to help lead the choir.  She will lead choir rehearsals on Thursday nights, and she will direct the choir on Sunday mornings.  Mary Ellen and the choir are continue to follow the plan that Stuart laid out, including the cantata for December 17th.

Third, other musicians and groups from within the church will provide music in worship.  The Men’s Quartet, the Ensemble (they’re working on a name :) ) that has led music at the early service, and others will be a part of 11:00 a.m. worship over the next few weeks.

And lastly, you will be hearing a few guests organists through the Advent and Christmas Season.  This Sunday (and possibly other Sundays before Christmas) Paul Honaker, who served Bon Air Baptist for nearly forty years, will be with us.  Donald Moro and Jeff Hummel, both capable organists, will also be with us between now and the end of the year.

Music is very important to Christian worship, maybe even the most important part for many Christians.  It is important to us at May Memorial, especially at Advent and Christmas.  And this is the plan.  First, keep praying for Stuart.  And then, let go (loosen up) and anticipate all of the ways the Good News of the Word Made Flesh will come to us.

What is certain is that when we get to Christmas, Jesus will come.  In a world where nothing goes exactly as planned, where nothing is perfect, Jesus always comes.  May we rest assured knowing that God will be with us.